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We craft products to help amputees and others with limited mobility maintain freedom and independence by giving them the ability to transfer to and from a wheelchair with greater ease. Our products empower caregivers and their families to provide a better quality of life by reducing the number of people required for transfer. This reduces stress, fear and the financial burden often associated with caring for your loved one at home. 


Product Benefits

  • Lightweight Boards

  • Sturdy Handles for Balance

  • Special Low Friction Surface

  • Patient Dignity

  • Caregiver Safety and Ease

  • Fall Prevention

  • Increased Independence


"The hospice nurses, aides and social workers were astounded by the ease in which we were able to transfer my husband with no help."

- Ladonna Lehman, Family Caretaker

My father, Wade, was an 80-year old double amputee who wanted to return home for his final time on earth. It sometimes took up to four people at the nursing home

to successfully maneuver Dad around due to his short stumps and lack of balance, even with the use of a lift. They had even dropped him once at a facility, which made Dad very leery of trusting anyone trying to help him move. We knew that it would be virtually impossible for our 72-year old mother to be able to attend to him solo since us children live several states away. My brother began creating different types of ergonomic transfer boards to aid my parents in moving Dad’s mass with ease and comfort, while also making him feel less vulnerable. After several pretty successful attempts, Kurt finally hit on the slickest, lightest board with handles that

allowed Dad to be in control of his transition, while still enabling Mom to essentially slide my Dad over when he had very little strength to help her. While my parents

had the help of hospice care a few hours a week, this board enabled them to function for his final year at their own home with multiple daily transitions to his wheelchair,

recliner, toilet and bed with no live-in help! Dad was a fighter up to the end and I know that without this board giving them this independence at home, his final year

would have been shorter and much more difficult on everyone. I highly recommend that anyone struggling with mobility transitions from chair to chair give this

transfer board a try. You will be surprised how much easier it can be and how much more secure the patient will feel in the transition.

-Kara Gandesbery, Family Caretaker

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